Register 9 Seats Remaining
Join us for epic adventures and questionable hijinks! Beginners and experienced teen players welcome.
The world's most popular tabletop RPG, at your Library!
Open to teens in grades 6 - 12 only, no experience or equipment necessary. Join us in the meeting room and get ready to roll!
Space is limited. Registration required.
Please register using your teen’s name. To register additional teens, use the “add more people” button.
In role-playing games like D&D, players build concentration, cooperation, problem-solving, and leadership skills. D&D is also a great way to test risk-assessment, as it creates an experience where it's okay to fail, since there's almost no perceived real-life consequences.
The Buena Vista Branch Library is located on Buena Vista Street near Olive Avenue in Burbank’s Media District. It is a one-story building.