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Award-winning journalist Sonali Kolhatkar shares visions for a future rooted in liberation, freedom, and justice.
Join us for an afternoon with Sonali Kolhatkar, Robin D.G. Kelley, and Ivette Alé-Ferlito as we celebrate the release of Talking About Abolition—a bold and urgent call to reimagine justice.
In Talking About Abolition, Kolhatkar shares visions for a future rooted in liberation, freedom, and justice. Through powerful conversations with leading scholars, organizers, and activists—including Alicia Garza, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Leah Penniman, Gina Dent, Cat Brooks, Andrea Ritchie, Eunisses Hernandez, Noelle Hanrahan, Ivette Alé-Ferlito, Melina Abdullah, Reina Sultan, and Dylan Rodriguez—she takes readers into the movement to transform policing and prisons. With an introduction by Robin D.G. Kelley.
Copies of Talking About Abolition will be available for purchase and signing by the author.
The Buena Vista Branch Library is located on Buena Vista Street near Olive Avenue in Burbank’s Media District. It is a one-story building.