Schedule a Class Visit
Contact Name
Email Address
Contact Phone Number
School or Organization Name
Grade Level
Number of Classes Visiting
Approximate Number of Students
Approximate Number of Adults/Chaperones
Tell us more about the type of visit you are interested in. Choices include: a basic information session and tour of the children's/teen areas, a story time or book talk, or a presentation on databases and research tools. If you have a different request we're interested in hearing that too!
Will your students need to sign up for library cards? BUSD students are assigned a public library card account upon district enrollment. Find out more about the BConnectED program at
Please choose...
Yes, all or part of my class will need to sign up for library cards.
No, my students already have library cards and/or do not need them on this visit.
Will your students be checking out books?
Please choose...
Yes, all or part of my class will be checking out books.
No, we will only browse the collection.
Which Library will you be visiting?
Please choose...
Burbank Central Library
Buena Vista Branch Library
Northwest Branch Library
When would you like to visit? (Please tell us a few preferred dates and times. Due to staff availability, we cannot schedule class visits on Mondays and Thursdays.)
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your visit?
Thank you for reaching out to Burbank Public Library. Your submission will be forwarded to appropriate library staff member who will evaluate the request and contact you directly.